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Campus Safety

Campus Safety and Security

Freed-Hardeman University is committed to providing a safe and secure campus environment. The Office of Campus Safety and Security works with local law enforcement 24/7 to monitor campus traffic, suspicious activities on and around campus, and severe weather. Our staff continuously monitors on-campus activity through a collaboration of security cameras and regular patrols. Additionally, the Office of Campus Safety and Security oversees on-campus parking and is authorized to issue tickets and other penalties for non-compliance with university parking regulations.

Welcome Week selfie in a car with a mom

LionAlert System

Freed-Hardeman University is committed to providing a safe and effective learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff. To provide a mode of mass communication, we have solicited the use of Rave Mobile Safety, a communication company that specializes in campus communications. On our campus, this network is known as LionAlert. Through the LionAlert system, we have the ability to communicate with our student body, faculty, and staff quickly concerning severe weather or any other emergency situation.

All faculty, staff, and students automatically have a LionAlert account created for them, and are able to log into their Rave account to manage their notification preferences and settings. In an emergency situation, alerts outlining the situation and recommended precautionary measures are sent to all subscribers via text and email notifications.


The following regulations apply to all visitors, students, employees and others who operate motor vehicles at Freed-Hardeman University. This is the official documentation concerning traffic and parking rules and regulations and supersedes all other publications.

I. Permit Registration
  1. It is the responsibility of faculty, staff and students of Freed-Hardeman University operating a motor vehicle on campus to register for and display a parking permit as prescribed in these regulations. This includes motorcycles, motorbikes, scooters, automobiles and trucks. Individuals who maintain or operate a motor vehicle on Freed-Hardeman University campus must register their vehicle with the Office of Campus Safety and Security at the beginning of the semester or within 24 hours of being brought to campus. Parking permits must hang from the rear view mirror of the vehicle. No other method of displaying the permit is allowed unless you are operating a motorbike, motorcycle, or scooter.
  2. Persons registering for a parking permit will receive one permit (hangtag), which must be properly displayed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle that is brought to campus. To be properly displayed, a hangtag permit must be hung from the rearview mirror with the front facing the windshield and unobstructed by any other objects. During initial registration for a parking permit, information pertaining to the vehicle most likely to be driven on campus, must be supplied. You may not use a hangtag permit belonging to someone else, nor may you transfer your hangtag permit to someone else. Additionally, the person in whose name the hangtag permit is registered will be solely responsible for any violations pertaining to any vehicle in which her/his hangtag permit is displayed, regardless of who is operating the vehicle, and regardless of who owns the vehicle.
  3. To register a vehicle and receive a parking permit, fill out the online vehicle registration form. Once the form is completed and saved, come by the Office of Campus Safety and Security to be issued your parking permit. A person’s vehicle information may be edited at anytime. Individuals who wish to delete their registration for any reason must come by the Office of Campus Safety and Security or submit a request to [email protected]. You must state your name and the reason why you need your vehicle information deleted. Visitors on campus must register their vehicle at the Office of Campus Safety and Security located in the ground floor lobby of the Brown-Kopel Business Center.
  4. Replacement of a lost, stolen, or destroyed hangtag permit will be at the expense of the registrant at the original price. Anyone whose permit is stolen while on campus, should report the theft to the Office of Campus Safety and Security immediately upon discovery of the theft. In the event that the hangtag is misplaced or forgotten, come to the Office of Campus Safety and Security to obtain a temporary hangtag permit.
  5. The Office of Campus Safety and Security is located in the ground floor lobby of the Brown-Kopel Business Center. Our office hours are 24 hours a day with a security officer staffed at all times. Parking permits may be obtained between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday-Friday. If the office is locked and no one is there, please call 731-989-6911 for assistance.
II. Parking Zones, Permits and Restrictions
  1. Resident Parking (Yellow hangtag permit) – For all full-time undergraduate students that reside in campus dormitories. Resident parking is restricted to parking lots surrounding all dorms.
  2. Graduate Parking (Brown hangtag permit) – For all graduate students that commute to campus for evening classes. Graduates are restricted to the Henderson Church of Christ parking lot and the parking lot on the west side of Brown-Kopel closest to Main Street.
  3. Commuter Parking (Blue hangtag permit)- For all undergraduate students that commute to classes during the day. Commuters are restricted to the Henderson Church of Christ parking lot, and the west side of Brown Kopel closest to Main Street. (Note: Until further notice, commuter parking is being permitted in the lot directly west from Paul Gray Hall, and next to the Visual Arts Building).
  4. Faculty/Staff Parking (Silver hangtag permit)- For all FHU faculty/staff that commute to work. Faculty/staff are restricted to the parking lots around Brown-Kopel, the Bookstore, Associate Science Center, Anderson Science Center and Old Main.
  5. Visitor Parking (Green Temporary hangtag) – For all visitors that are staying on campus for the majority of the day. Visitors are restricted to specific visitor parking stalls located throughout campus.
  6. Open Parking (Pink parking lot on map) – For all visitors, faculty, staff and students. No restrictions enforced except those under general regulations.

Download the FHU Parking Map


FHU campus parking map

III. Enforcement Hours
  1. Zone parking restrictions are in effect during the fall and spring semesters from 6:00 am -6:00 pm, Monday-Friday, except where posted elsewhere. Zone parking restrictions are not in effect during the Summer.
  2. Special parking restrictions such as handicap (blue stalls), fire lane (red curbs), no parking (yellow curbs), and all city and state rules and regulations will be enforced 24/7.
IV. General Regulations
  1. The speed limit for all motor vehicles on campus is 20 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
  2. Pedestrians should use the crosswalks and motorists must give the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing the street at designated crosswalks without traffic signals.
  3. Unnecessary noise from radios, horns and mufflers is strictly prohibited.
  4. Parking is permitted only in delineated parking spaces unless otherwise designated by signage.
  5. Persons wishing to use Loading Zones must not exceed 15 minutes duration and must leave the vehicle’s flashers on. Consult with the Office of Campus Safety and Security for unusual circumstances.
  6. Motor vehicles must be parked in legally marked spaces, within markers, if provided, except in zoned unpaved parking lots, on all campus parking areas.
  7. Parking on or over a line is a violation of regulations.
  8. Lack of a parking space in the zone to which an individual is entitled does not justify parking illegally or parking in a zone to which one is not entitled.
  9. Parking on the left side of the street, or against the flow of traffic, is prohibited.
    The only notice of a parking violation, which a student will receive, is the parking ticket itself.
V. Parking Violations and Penalties
    1. Vehicle not registered with the University
      • 1st Offense – $25
      • Second Offense – $50
      • Third Offense – $100
    2. Unauthorized use of handicap parking
      • 1st Offense – $25
      • Second Offense – $50
      • Third Offense – $100
    3. Parking in a fire lane
      • 1st Offense – $25
      • Second Offense – $50
      • Third Offense – $100
    4. Parking permit affixed to the wrong vehicle
      • 1st Offense – $10
      • Second Offense – $25
      • Third Offense – $50
    5. Parking in unauthorized or restricted zones
      • 1st Offense – $10
      • Second Offense – $25
      • Third Offense – $50
    6. Blocking or obstructing traffic, street, sidewalks, driveways, building entrances/exits, crosswalks and/or another vehicle
      • 1st Offense – $10
      • Second Offense – $25
      • Third Offense – $50
    7. Parking permit not displayed properly
      • 1st Offense – $10
      • Second Offense – $25
      • Third Offense – $50
    8. Double Parked
      • 1st Offense – $10
      • Second Offense – $25
      • Third Offense – $50
    9. Falsification of registration information – $50
    10. Damaging a wheel lock – $250
    11. All parking violations will be recorded with the vehicle registration. Once a vehicle owner/operator has accumulated two unpaid parking tickets, the vehicle owner/operator will be informed that a wheel lock will be put on their vehicle upon issuance of a third parking ticket.
    12. If a wheel lock is applied to a vehicle an orange sticker will be placed on the driver’s side window warning the vehicle owner/operator not to attempt to drive off. The wheel lock will not be removed unless all outstanding parking violations are paid at the Finance Office located at 211 Hamlett Street. If the parking violations have not been paid within 72 hours of the placement of a wheel lock or the date specified in the signed agreement, the vehicle will then be towed at the owner/operator’s expense by Highway Wrecker Service located on Church Street. (NOTE: If attempts to locate the vehicle owner/operator are unsuccessful after 72 hours of the placement of a wheel lock, said vehicle will be towed.)
    13. In order for a towed vehicle to be retrieved from Highway Wrecker Service, all unpaid parking violations must be paid at the Finance Office located at 211 Hamlett Street, and a vehicle retrieval slip must then be signed by the Director of Campus Safety and Security. Additional towing and storage fees charged by Highway Wrecker Service are the responsibility of the student/registered owner of the vehicle.
    14. Student Violations – If any unpaid parking violations remain on a student’s vehicle registration at the end of the semester, the student may be blocked from registering for classes for the following semester until all violations are paid. In the case of a graduating student, the student’s transcript will not be released until all outstanding violations are paid.
    15. Faculty/Staff Violations – If any parking violations are remaining on a faculty/staff member’s vehicle registration at the end of each semester, the parking permit for that faculty/staff member will be revoked for the following semester until all violations are paid.
VI. Parking Fine Appeal Process
  1. Parking fine appeals must be made at online and must be submitted within seven (7) days of receiving the citation to be appealed. The citation appeal will be reviewed by the Citation Appeals Board to give a ruling. NOTE: The appeals board consists of six (6) faculty/staff members and two (2) FHU students. The vehicle owner/operator will be notified by email of the Citation Appeals Board’s decision. Once an appeal is submitted and ruled on by the Citation Appeals Board, the decision of the Appeals Board is final.
  2. A wheel lock will not be placed on a vehicle if one of the first two parking violations is in process of being appealed. Once a decision is made on the appeal, the Office of Campus Safety and Security will determine if a wheel lock is to be placed on the vehicle.


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is federal legislation that established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), which has provided the university with funds for emergency financial aid grants to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is federal legislation that established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), which has provided the university with funds for emergency financial aid grants to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is federal legislation that established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), which has provided the university with funds for emergency financial aid grants to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is federal legislation that established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), which has provided the university with funds for emergency financial aid grants to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.

Contact Us

Campus Security can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For emergencies call: