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Golden Year Reunion

Golden Year Reunion
June 12-14, 2024

Each year as we wrap up the Golden Year Reunion, I think of the lyrics to the closing song of the Carol Burnett Show. As a child, I sat before a large screen encased in a wooden box and laughed my way through the skits. And, even at that young age, the closing song always struck a bittersweet note with me — a mixture of happy and sad — as the show ended and the credits rolled. You may remember the lyrics. “I’m so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just get started and, before you know it, comes the time we have to say so long.” These simple sentences ideally reflect how I feel about the reunion and more importantly, my time as a student at FHU.

“Seems we’re just getting started and, before you know it, comes the time we have to say so long.” Isn’t that true of our college days? They passed more quickly than we thought they would — a cruel trick of time that some of the best years pass all too soon. No matter the decade you attended, some common themes run like a vein through them all…precious memories, priceless friendships, faith-building experiences, and life-changing years.

Your reunion is the most special event we host each year because it provides an opportunity to transport you back to your days at FHC — days that were inherently good when cherished friends surrounded you.

As we specifically welcome the class of 1974 to our ranks, I encourage each of you, whether you’re celebrating an anniversary year or not, to plan to be with us June 12 -14, 2024.

Golden year reunion

Highlights include:

  1. WednesdayJune 12, spend a day in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, on an optional day trip!

At the crossroads where the river and four Alabama cities meet, you find iconic music, great food, and southern hospitality in spades! Our trip to northern Alabama begins at the historic FAME recording studio.

You’ll get a behind-the-scenes tour from FHU parent and 8 Track Entertainment Vice President Jeff Goodwin. He’ll share about their current artists and successes and fabled tales about legends like Elvis Presley and more. While we spend the day touring, you’ll work up an appetite, so we’ll stop at local eatery Mama Jean’s. There, you’ll savor food that will take you right back to your grandmother’s kitchen table. Before returning to campus, we’ll visit Ivy Green, the homeplace/museum celebrating author, educator, and advocate, Helen Keller. You’ll have the opportunity to roam the grounds and learn from our tour guide about one of the most remarkable women of the 20th century.

2. Wednesday, June 12, be part of an evening dinner/worship service at Chickasaw State Park that is reminiscent of back-to-school cookouts at the park when you were a student.

As a final request, I would like to create a slideshow of pictures from your FHC days to view Thursday evening. You can mail pictures, or you can email pictures to [email protected]. (All pictures need to be received no later than Monday, June 3. Mailed pictures will be returned.)

It is with much anticipation that I look forward to welcoming you home in June.

My best,

Chris J. Ramey (’96)
Director of Alumni Engagement

2024 Reunion Memory Session

2023 Reunion Memory Session