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FHU Associates

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Tell us about yourself! We would love to update our membership records and send you information about the FHU Associates. Perhaps there is a chapter in your area already, or perhaps you and some friends can start one! Join us in spreading joy, encouraging friendships, and supporting student scholarships at FHU.

new - faculty teaching course

Service, Support, Friendship – since 1963

The FHU Associates is a women’s organization whose members know the value of Christian education at Freed-Hardeman University. Members volunteer time and energy to raise money for student scholarships at FHU; more than $4 million dollars has been raised over the last 50+ years! Fun projects and lasting friendships built around a common purpose bind volunteers together.

The Associates organization is composed of chapters in different cities and states. Each chapter hosts their own fundraising events and, for large events on FHU’s campus, multiple chapters come together.

All ladies interested in supporting the work of FHU are invited to join the FHU Associates. Whether you are a career woman, a stay-at-home mom, retired or just joining the work force, in the Associates, you will find a way to use your talents.

new - faculty teaching course


On September 5, 1963, ladies whose husbands were members of the Freed-Hardeman College Board of Trustees and Advisory Board met for the purpose of planning a women’s organization to help support and encourage Christian education at Freed-Hardeman College in Henderson, Tennessee. Mrs. Neal Penny of Milan, Tennessee presided at the meeting and was elected the first president.

In late 1963 and early 1964, chapters of the Freed-Hardeman Associates were organized in west Tennessee and Kentucky, and north Alabama and Mississippi.

National presidents during the Associates first 56 years have been Margaret Penny, Rebecca Woods, Pearl Griffin, Louise Dixon, Hazel Bradfield, Sylvia Harris, Irene Taylor, Lynda Ruff, Delphia Thornton, Martha Alls, Rubye Dodd, Corine Taylor, Fran Davis, Jo Martin, Lora Edwards, Laurel Sewell, Genia Southall, Ann Watson, Diane Smith, Lana Pirtle, Debbie McLaughlin, Sylvia Scott, Jeanita Estes, Carole Childers, and Shirley Eaton.


The FHU Office of University Advancement annually chooses two members of the Associates to receive special awards.

The LaVonne B. Scott “Heart of a Servant” Award is given to an Associate who exemplifies the heart of a servant – who is happy to work at projects (even in the thankless jobs), who is excited about our mission, and who does not ask for recognition, but who deserves to be honored.

The Martha J. Alls “Leap of Faith” Award is given to the Associate who is an innovator, an encourager – an Associate who, perhaps, is responsible for getting a new project off the ground or who came up with a “big new idea” and had the courage to follow it through. This award honors the Associate who says, “We can do that!”

Award Winners

Heart of a Servant – Arlene Brown
Leap of Faith – Sandra Moore

Heart of a Servant – Linda Hale
Leap of Faith – Lorie McCaskill

Heart of a Servant – Sharlene Thompson
Leap of Faith – Nyla Stewart

Heart of a Servant – Jackie Hibbett
Leap of Faith – Debbie McLaughlin

Heart of a Servant – Linda Hale
Leap of Faith – NONE

Heart of a Servant – Doris Maness
Leap of Faith – Martha Alls

Heart of a Servant – Jean Marilyn Hogan
Leap of Faith – Brenda DePriest

Heart of a Servant – Lynne Golson
Leap of Faith – Carole Childers (awarded posthumously)

Heart of a Servant – Joan Rhea
Leap of Faith – Dwina Willis

Heart of a Servant – Diane Smith
Leap of Faith – Connie Pritchard

Heart of a Servant – Clydeen Puryear
Leap of Faith – Debby Gibbs

Heart of a Servant – Jeanita Estes
Leap of Faith – Ashley Smith

FHU Associates - Tea Party

Victorian Tea Party

Mark your calendars for our next Victorian Tea Party on Saturday, May 24, 2025. Tickets go on sale in April, 2025

Become a Corporate Sponsor [ Donation FHU Tea Party Sponsors ] or an Individual Patron [ Donation FHU Tea Party Patrons ] and you can choose a dedicated tea time for your group. Corporate Sponsors also receive advertising in print and media.

Additional Information

LEADERSHIP 2023-2024

National Officers

President: Diane Smith ([email protected])
Vice-President: Bonny Moore ([email protected])
Secretary: Robin Hulen ([email protected])
Treasurer: Ashley Smith ([email protected])

Other Executive Committee Members

National Projects Chairperson: Connie Pritchard ([email protected])
Executive Coordinator: Debbie McLaughlin ([email protected])
Immediate Past President: Shirley Eaton ([email protected])

Standing National Committee Chairs

Finance/Budget: Ashley Smith
Hardeman House1: Laurel Sewell ([email protected], 731-435-0144)
Membership: Lynne Golson ([email protected], 731-879-9044)
Projects: Connie Pritchard ([email protected])
Social Media: Marah Collins ([email protected], 502-645-7008)
Historian: TBA
Nominating: TBA

Fall National Meeting September 9, 2023
   10:30am at the Hardeman House  
Homecoming at FHU November 10-11, 2023
Merry Market at FHU’s Benefit Dinner December 1, 2023
Annual Bible Lectureship at FHU February 4-8, 2024
   Daily Lunches in the Lectureship Kitchen (Aux Gym)  
   Beloved FHBrew Coffeeshop, every day, 7:00am-7:00pm,  
   concession stand in the Sports Center  
   Information and Product Booth (Main Arena)  
Winter National Meeting February 5, 2024
   5:00pm, Hall of Fame Room, Brewer Sports Center  
Spring National Meeting April 26, 2024
   Officer installation, luncheon, Advancement Awards  
Fiscal Year End (All donations due.) May 31, 2024

The historic Hardeman House is located on campus of Freed-Hardeman University, Henderson, Tennessee. It is available for weddings, receptions, parties, reunions, and other gatherings.

Contact us as shown below for prices and availability. All profits go to student scholarships.



FHU Associates
158 E. Main Street
Henderson, TN 38340

[email protected]