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major in physical science (pre-engineering)

Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Science

B.S. in Physical Science Program Overview

Are you looking to pave the way for a career in engineering? Consider a physical science degree from Freed-Hardeman University. The B.S. in Physical Science program offers two options in pre-engineering, including a dual-degree program where students can earn a degree in physical science from FHU and an engineering degree from an ABET-accredited school.


Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science

Department chair name:

Brian P. Butterfield
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Program Coordinator:

Learning at FHU


Not only does FHU offer a comprehensive physical science degree, but the university also offers a unique pre-engineering program. With the dual degree option, students can study at Freed-Hardeman University for three years before transferring to an ABET-accredited engineering school for two years. FHU’s small class sizes and incredible faculty create a personalized learning experience and one-on-one advisement ensures that each student has the support they need to succeed.

The physical science field is abundant with opportunity for physical sciences majors, graduates with physical sciences degrees, and physical sciences career options.

Program Highlights:

  • Personalized pre-engineering experience
  • Small class sizes
  • One-on-one advisement
  • Dual degree with an ABET-accredited engineering school
  • Incredible faculty that have real-world experience
  • Build skills highly sought after by employers

Physical Science Degree Four-Year Plans

If you have a passion for math and science and want to find a career that challenges you and allows you to make a difference, look no further than Freed-Hardeman University’s 3-2 Plan for Pre-Engineering. This specialized program will enable you to complete your first three years at FHU and then transfer to a partnering school to complete your final two years in engineering.

2023-2024 4-Year Plan(s)
2022-2023 4-Year Plan(s)
2021-2022 4-Year Plan(s)
2020-2021 4-Year Plan(s)
Graduates with physical science degrees are ready for careers in undergraduate research, earth science, graduate school, advanced research positions, and more.

Careers for Physical Science Majors

A bachelor’s degree in physical science opens doors to a variety of exciting and fulfilling career paths. As a pre-engineering student at Freed-Hardeman University, you’ll have the opportunity to gain a strong foundation in the fundamentals of physics and chemistry, preparing you to excel in further engineering studies or a multitude of related industries. With a career in physical science, you’ll have the chance to make a difference in the world by contributing to advancements in technology and innovation.

  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Robotics Engineer
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Automotive Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer

Physical Science Major Degree Requirements

As a physical science major, you will explore our universe’s fundamental laws and develop a deep understanding of experimental design, data analysis and problem-solving. Our pre-engineering physical science degree requirements are designed to provide a well-rounded education that prepares you for various career paths in research, education, industry and more.

I. Liberal Arts Core Requirements

Listed in this catalog under Academics: Liberal Arts Core
Limit II. C. Quantitative Reasoning to MAT 120 Pre-calculus
Limit III. B. Natural Sciences to PHS 211 Physics for Science and Engineering I

II. Major Requirements (41-47 hours)
CHE 121/122 General Chemistry I & II 6
CHE 121L/122L General Chemistry I & II Labs 2
CIS 171 Computer Programming I 3
ENS 101 Introduction to Engineering 2
ENS 103 Engineering Graphics 3
ENS 231/232* Engineering Mechanics I and II OR 6
CHE321/322 Organic Chemistry I and II (W) (8)
MAT 122 Analytics and Calculus I 4
MAT 223 Analytics and Calculus III 4
MAT 345 Differential Equations 3
PHS 212 Physics for Science & Engineering II (W) 4

Additional Requirements (6 hours)
Students planning to major in Industrial Engineering should add:

ACC 231 Principles of Accounting I 3
ACC 233 Principles of Accounting II 3
III. Electives (including additional Bible) - (16-22 hours)

*Students planning to major in Chemical Engineering should substitute CHE321/322 Organic Chemistry I and II for ENS 231/232 Engineering Mechanics I and II.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Science

Below are answers to questions prospective students often have when considering a major in Physical Science. If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact [email protected] and they will happily answer questions and provide additional details about our program

What are the benefits of a Physical Science degree from FHU in pre-engineering?

A Physical Science degree with a pre-engineering emphasis from Freed-Hardeman University (FHU) offers several benefits to students seeking careers in engineering-related fields. Here are some of the key benefits of obtaining a Physical Science degree in pre-engineering at FHU:

  1. Solid foundation in math and science: The Physical Science degree program at FHU is designed to provide students with a strong background in mathematics and the physical sciences, including physics, chemistry, and calculus. This foundation is essential for success in engineering-related fields, as it provides students with the quantitative skills needed for problem-solving and critical analysis.
  2. Pre-engineering emphasis: The pre-engineering focus within the Physical Science degree program at FHU is specifically designed to prepare students for advanced study in engineering. Students take courses that cover topics such as statics, dynamics, materials science, and electrical circuits, which are relevant to many different branches of engineering.
  3. Hands-on learning opportunities: The program emphasizes hands-on learning opportunities, with laboratory experiments and research projects that allow students to apply their knowledge in practical settings. Students have access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities and work closely with faculty members who are experts in their field.
  4. Career preparation: Students who complete the Physical Science degree program with a pre-engineering emphasis are well-prepared for further study in engineering-related fields or careers in research and development, manufacturing, and consulting. They also have the skills and knowledge to pursue graduate study in related fields.

A Physical Science degree with a pre-engineering emphasis from FHU provides students with a solid foundation in math and science, specialized coursework, and hands-on learning opportunities that prepare them for success in engineering-related fields. With a pre-engineering emphasis and career preparation, students can launch successful careers in industry, academia, or other areas where engineering skills are in demand.

How does your dual degree program work?

The dual degree program offered by Freed-Hardeman University in Physical Science and Engineering allows students to earn two degrees in just five years. The program consists of three years of coursework at FHU and two years at a partnering engineering school.

During the program’s first three years, students complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Physical Science from FHU. This includes completing general education and core physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science courses. Students also have the opportunity to take classes in areas such as environmental science, astronomy, or geology, depending on their interests.

In the program’s fourth year, students transfer to a partnering engineering school to complete a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Students can choose from various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and aerospace engineering. During the program’s final year, students complete advanced courses in their chosen engineering discipline, as well as hands-on projects and research experiences.

Upon completing the program, students receive two degrees: a Bachelor of Science in Physical Science from FHU and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the partnering institution. This dual degree program provides students with a strong foundation in physical sciences and engineering and prepares them for careers in various fields where these skills are in demand.

The dual degree program in Physical Science and Engineering from FHU provides a unique opportunity for students to earn two degrees in just five years. With a strong foundation in physical sciences and engineering, students are well-prepared for aerospace, automotive, energy, and more careers.

Why study physical science at FHU?

There are several reasons to study physical science at Freed-Hardeman University (FHU):

  1. Comprehensive curriculum: The Physical Science program at FHU provides students with a comprehensive education in the physical sciences, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science. The program emphasizes hands-on learning opportunities, with laboratory experiments and research projects that allow students to apply their knowledge in practical settings.
  2. Experienced faculty: The faculty members in the Physical Science program at FHU are experienced educators and researchers who are experts in their field. They provide students with real-world insights and practical advice on how to succeed in careers related to physical science.
  3. State-of-the-art facilities: FHU has state-of-the-art facilities for physical science education, including modern laboratories and cutting-edge equipment. Students can access various resources, including advanced computational tools and software, to support their learning and research.
  4. Flexibility: The Physical Science program at FHU allows students to tailor their coursework to their interests and career goals. Students can choose from various elective courses in astronomy, geology, or environmental science, depending on their interests.
  5. Career opportunities: Graduates of the Physical Science program at FHU are well-prepared for careers in various fields, including research and development, education, healthcare, and more. They also have the skills and knowledge needed to pursue graduate study in related fields, including engineering, physics, and chemistry.
  6. Christian worldview: The Physical Science program at FHU emphasizes a Christian worldview, which helps students develop an understanding of the physical world that is rooted in faith.
  7. Dual degree option: For students interested in pursuing a career in engineering, FHU offers a five-year dual degree program where students can earn both a Bachelor of Science in Physical Science and an engineering degree from an ABET-accredited school.

Studying physical science at FHU provides students with a comprehensive education, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, flexibility, and career opportunities. Whether students are interested in pursuing a career in research, teaching, or industry, the Physical Science program at FHU is an excellent choice.

What is the major in Physical Science (Pre-Engineering) program at FHU?

The Physical Science (Pre-Engineering) program at Freed-Hardeman University (FHU) is a major designed for students interested in pursuing careers in engineering. This program provides students with a strong foundation in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering fundamentals, preparing them for advanced engineering studies or related fields.

The program consists of two parts: the first two years focus on foundational courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science, while the second two years focus on more advanced courses in engineering, materials science, and computer-aided design. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for undergraduate engineering studies, emphasizing pre-engineering coursework.

Throughout the program, students have many opportunities to engage in hands-on learning experiences, including laboratory experiments, research projects, and design challenges. These experiences allow students to apply their knowledge in practical settings and develop problem-solving skills.

Additionally, the program offers flexibility through elective courses that allow students to explore areas of interest within the physical sciences and engineering, such as environmental science, astronomy, or geology.

Upon completion of the program, graduates are well-prepared for advanced study in engineering or related fields and careers in research and development, manufacturing, consulting, and more.

The Physical Science (Pre-Engineering) program at FHU provides students with a strong foundation in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering fundamentals, preparing them for successful careers in engineering-related fields.

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