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Academic Resources

Student Success

Preparing for your next step – whether career or graduate school – is the heart of why you are going to college. When you enroll at FHU, you will be mentored by expert faculty who are dedicated to understanding your strengths. You will grow in their challenging, interactive classes on campus, in diverse cultures abroad and through hands-on experiences with business partners.

new-students in lecture 4

Forms & Planning

FHU faculty will help develop your God-given talents for His glory by empowering you with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service.

FHU Abroad

FHU Abroad offers a variety of international learning experiences that enrich students’ global and cultural awareness and encourage their personal growth. The goal is to develop our students into informed global citizens who have the skills necessary to succeed in a diverse and increasingly interconnected world. Your international travels and experiences with FHU Abroad will be life-changing opportunities for growth and learning.

group of students in photo while studying abroad

There are so many tools available to help students develop their God-given talents and make informed decisions about their future.