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major in Engineering (computer Engineering)

Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering

B.S. in Engineering Program Overview

Considering how you can make a world of difference? Learn how things work and how you can make them work better with a major in Engineering at Freed-Hardeman University. Complete hands-on projects from your first semester in *Introduction to Engineering* all the way to a two-semester *Capstone Engineering* project in your Senior year. Technology advancements are accelerating so join us and get ready for your own exciting and challenging future.


Department of Mathematics, Engineering, & Computer Science

Department chair name:

Michael E. Johnson
B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Program Coordinator:

Ben Clark

Learning at FHU

Why major in Engineering at FHU?

Many engineering programs are often research-driven with classes often being taught by graduate teaching assistants. As a teaching institution, students in FHU’s program will be taught directly by the full-time Engineering faculty. FHU’s mission is to help students “develop their God-given talent for His glory”. This mission is carried out in the Engineering program by teaching students how to engage their discipline in both scholarship and service.

FHU offers computer science degrees to computer science students that excel in achievement and computer science skills.

Program Objectives:

  1. Faith by using their unique talents in the practice of engineering for skillful stewardship of God’s creation; their professional interactions are fair, ethical, and of the utmost integrity.
  2. Service by being involved in community; their families, congregations, companies, and cities are better because our students are ‘fit for use’.
  3. Scholarship by engaging in the practice of engineering and the continued adventure of learning in a rapidly advancing field.

Engineering Degree Four-Year Plans

Our easy-to-follow four-year plan takes the guesswork out of your degree requirements so you can focus on learning and growing in your chosen field.
2024-2025 4-Year Plan(s)
With a computer science Bachelor's degree, computer science graduates can become computer systems analysts, software developers, data science engineers, and more.

Careers for Computer Engineering Majors

Are you ready to take on the exciting world of Engineering? The Computer Engineering degree will encourage and direct students toward opportunities in undergraduate research in fields like robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and business analytics. Additionally, students will be connected with business and organizations interested in hiring or providing internships.
  • Software Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Game Developer
  • Hardware Reverse Engineer
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Forensic Computer Analyst

 Bachelor’s in Engineering Degree Requirements

I. Liberal Arts Core Requirements - 36 hours
Listed in this catalog under Academics: Liberal Arts Core
Limit II. C. Quantitative Reasoning to MAT 122 Analytics and Calculus I
Limit III. B. Natural Sciences to PHS 211 Physics for Science and Engineering I


II. Engineering Core Courses - 48 hours
CHE 121 General Chemistry I 3
CHE 121L General Chemistry I Lab I1
PHS 212 Physics for Science and Engineering II 4
MAT 223 Analytics and Calculus II 4
MAT 224 Analytics and Calculus III 4
MAT 330 Linear Algebra 3
MAT 345 Differential Equations 3
ENS 101 Introductions to Engineering 2
ENS 103 Engineering Graphics
CIS 171 Computer Programming I
CIS 172 Computer Programming II 3
CIS 277 Introduction to Data Analytics  3
ENS 310 Circuits 3
ENS 370 Signals and Systems 3
ENS 481 Capstone Engineering I 3
ENS 482 Capstone Engineering II 3
III. Additional Requirements - 24 hours
(Choose one of the four concentrations below.):

A. Computer Engineering Requirements: (24 hours)
MAT 240 Discrete Mathematics 3
ENS 320 Electronics 3
ENS 340 Digital Hardware Design 3
CIS 273 Data Structures
CIS 345 Computer Networks 3
CIS 374 Algorithms 3
CIS 386 Architecture and Assembly Language 3
CIS 460 Operating Systems




IV. Recommended Electives - 3 hours
ECO 272 Microeconomics 3


V. Electives (including Additional Bible) - 15 hours

Additional Information About the Engineering Degree Program

Below are answers to questions prospective students often have when considering a major in Engineering. If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact [email protected] and they will happily answer questions and provide additional details about our program.

Why study Engineering at Freed-Hardeman University?
Upon starting their professional careers, our students exhibit growing:

  1. Faith by using their unique talents in the practice of engineering for skillful stewardship of God’s creation; their professional interactions are fair, ethical, and of the utmost integrity.
  2. Service by being involved in community, their families, congregations, companies, and cities are better because our students are ‘fit for use’.
  3. Scholarship by engaging in the practice of engineering and the continues adventure of learning in a rapidly advancing field.

A new academic location on campus designed with a focus on project-based learning in FHU’s new MakerSpace. This new location will also have new classrooms, engineering labs, faculty offices, and spaces for student collaboration.

What we’re missing for this new program is YOU! Your engineering faculty are excited to hep bring your ideas to life. Whether you are interested in creating robots, developing algorithms for artificial intelligence, or serving the technology needs of a local community, the FHU family is excited to see what you can build.

What can I do after I graduate?
Why wait until after you graduate? The Computer Engineering degree will encourage and direct students toward opportunities in undergraduate research in fields like robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and business analytics. Additionally, students will be connected with businesses and organizations interested in hiring or providing internships.

Top fields or positions aligned with Computer Engineering:

  • According to Bureau of Labor Standards database, Computer Engineering positions are projected to grow by 4.6% over the next decade, with a 2022 median annual wage of $132,360 for a minimum bachelor’s degree.
  • Computer Hardware Engineer (embedded system development, ASIC/board design, Internet of Things, etc.)
  • Data Scientist
  • Software Developer
  • Game Developer
  • Forensic Computer Analyst
  • Hardware Reverse Engineer

Graduate Programs – Graduates in Computer Engineering will be prepared to continue their education and research in qualified Master’s and Doctoral programs.

Classes and Projects for Future Students
Capstone – all engineering students will participate in a capstone experience of their own design. This experience standard, required of all ABET – accredited students, in the culmination of all your academic achievements.

Introduction to Robotics – gives students the opportunity to build functional robots with a minimum of parts

Introduction to Engineering – students will have hands-on opportunities to explore computer engineering and various other engineering fields.

Computer Architecture – students will work with logic gates and circuitry to build computing from the bottom up.

AI for Robotics – although not a required course, students who choose to take this class will gain experience in programming robots using AI frameworks.

A letter from Dr. Clark
My Future Fellow Engineer,

I am excited that you are considering studying Engineering here at FHU. I’m sure you are excited about the many opportunities to learn how things work and how you can make them work even better. My prayer for you is that your time in college will be a time of growth in faith, scholarship, and service because each of those facets of your life are important.

As a FHU alum with a decade of engineering practice in industry I clearly see the importance of a solid education. Here you will get to peel back the layers of how things work, form the fundamentals of physics to modern computing tools. And you get to do all of this in a community focused on helping you discover and grow in your God-given talents. We want to know not just the “What” and the “How” but also the “Why”. It is my personal focus to facilitate the success and growth of every student in our program.

The world is filled with challenges that engineers are specifically trained to solve, including designing innovative products, improving complicated systems, and participating in sustainable stewardship of our God-given resources. There are not easy challenges and getting ready for them will require focus, effort, and determination. But from here the doors open up to a lifetime of opportunities.

Visit campus to see our learning community for yourself. Drop by my office and we can talk and pray about your future. Join us as we bring Engineering to FHU.

Grace and Peace,
Dr. Ben Clark

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