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minor in Behavioral Sciences

minor in Behavioral Sciences

Program Overview

Behavioral Sciences offers students a Minor in Behavioral Sciences, Criminal Justice,  Family and Child Sciences, Family Science/Family Life Education, Psychology and Social Work. 

Degree Type:



Department of Behavioral Sciences

department chair:

Lisa Beene
B.S., M.S.S.W., A.C.S.W

Course Requirements

Students can choose from the below six minors in Behavioral Sciences and learn more about course descriptions:

Minor in Behavioral Sciences
CJU 210 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
FAM 325 Stress and Resilience in Individuals and Families 3
PSY 210 General Psychology 3
SOC 241 General Sociology 3
PLUS: Choose two (2) of the following courses: 6
CJU 350 Juvenile Justice (3)
FAM 305 Childhood Disorders (3)
FAM 315 Marriage and Relationship Development (3)
PSY 312 Social Psychology (3)
SOC 240 Crime and Delinquency (3)
SOC 445 Ethnic Cultures (3)
SWK 330 Crisis Intervention (3)
    18 hours
Minor in Criminal Justice
CJU 210 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
CJU 410 Criminal Justice Theories 3
POL 385 Fundamentals of Criminal Law 3
PSY 210 General Psychology 3
SOC 240 Crime and Delinquency 3
SOC 241 General Sociology 3
    18 hours
Minor in Family and Child Sciences
FAM 201 Child Development and Lab 3
FAM 230 Marriage and Family 3
FAM 310 Developmental Psychology 3
FAM 331 Parenting and Family Relations (W) 3
  Six (6) additional upper-division hours in FAM courses 6
    18 hours
Minor in Family Science/Family Life Education
FAM 230 Marriage and the Family 3
FAM 325 Stress and Resilience in Individuals and Families (W) 3
FAM 331 Parenting and Family Relations (W) 3
FAM 335 Human Sexuality 3
  Six (6) additional upper-division hours in FAM courses 6
    18 hours
Minor in Child and Adolescent Development
FAM 201 Child Development and Lab 3
FAM 305 Childhood Disorders* 3
FAM 325 Stress and Resilience in Individuals and Families 3
SWK 251 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I: Childhood and Adolescence 3
SWK 450 Interventions with Populations-at-Risk 3
  Choose three (3) hours from the following courses: 3
CJU 350 Juvenile Justice (3)
FAM 331 Parenting and Family Relations (3)
PSY 310 Developmental Psychology (3)
PSY 315 Learning and Memory (3)
SOC 445 Ethnic Cultures (3)
SWK 320 Expressive Therapies (3)
SWK 330 Crisis Intervention (3)
SWK 341 Child Welfare I (3)
    18 hours


1Social Work and Family Sciences majors pursuing this minor may choose any combination of these thirteen courses which results in eighteen hours, fifteen of which must be unduplicated between the major and the minor. *Since FAM 305 is a required course in the Integrated Early Childhood (PreK-3) concentration, students pursuing that concentration and this minor should count FAM 201 toward this minor and choose six (6) hours from the list of electives instead of three. Those six hours cannot include PSY 310 or SOC 445.

Minor in Psychology
PSY 210 General Psychology 3
PSY 218 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 310 Developmental Psychology 3
PSY 312 Social Psychology 3
PSY 408 Family and Individual Counseling 3
PSY 418 Physiological Psychology 3
    18 hours
Minor in Social Work
SWK 150 Introduction to Social Work 3
PSY 210 General Psychology OR 3
SOC 241 General Sociology (3)
SWK 251 HBSE I: Childhood and Adolescence 3
SWK 252 HBSE II: Adulthood and Aging 3
SOC 445 Ethnic Cultures 3
Three (3) additional upper-division hours in a non-practice Social Work course 3
    18 hours

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