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Henderson, Tennessee – (Aug. 7, 2024) – Freed-Hardeman University’s Center of Excellence in Spiritual Leadership (CESL) will host a Church Leadership Workshop at Mid-South Youth Camp in Henderson, Tennessee, September 27-28. Designed as a retreat for individual church leaders or a team of church leaders, this workshop aims to enrich, encourage and inspire its participants using the theme of “Purpose, Planning and Prayer.” 

“We are excited about the Church Leadership Workshop this year with our lineup of speakers who will share practical and inspirational wisdom for congregational leaders to take back home to their congregations,” Dr. Josh Ketchum, FHU assistant professor of Bible and CESL program coordinator, said.

“This year’s schedule is divided into three tracks – organizational, administrative and ministry – to further dive into the main themes of purpose, planning and prayer. This workshop is designed for individual church leaders or a church leadership team to come together to dream and plan for the next year,” Ketchum added.  

Keynote speakers for the two-day workshop include FHU President David Shannon, Stephen Sutton and Hiram Kemp. 

All elements of the workshop, including classes, meals and lodging at MSYC, are completely free for participants. To see a full schedule of events and to register for the workshop, visit tinyurl.com/Church-Leadership-Workshop. Please contact Ketchum at [email protected] with questions or for more information. 

The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service. With locations in Henderson and Memphis, FHU offers associate, bachelor’s, master’s, specialist and doctoral degrees.