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Professional Clubs

Join a club today!

Delve into the world of professional clubs that will expand your knowledge and connect you with like-minded peers and professionals. Join prestigious honor societies, where academic excellence is celebrated, and your achievements are recognized across various disciplines. For music enthusiasts, our music ensembles, the University Chorale, and University Singers, offer the perfect stage to showcase your talents through captivating performances and inspiring tours.

Professional Clubs

American Chemical Society

The American Chemical Society (ACS) is the world’s largest scientific society and one of the world’s leading sources of authoritative scientific information. The vision of ACS is to “improve people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry.” The cost of student dues is $27 per year paid directly to ACS. Our FHU student affiliate chapter does not charge dues in addition to this cost. The group meets at least once each month and
 is involved in both community service projects (related to science) and science education projects. For more information, please contact Leann Self Davis at 731-989-6931 or at [email protected].

Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship Society

Alpha Chi is a national academic honor society founded in 1922 whose purpose is to recognize and promote academic excellence and character.  The Tennessee Iota Chapter of Alpha Chi has existed at Freed-Hardeman since 1976. Membership is by invitation for Juniors and Seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.75 on 80 earned hours. The Tennessee Iota Chapter sponsors campus academic and service programs each year.  Additionally, students are encouraged to attend the Alpha Chi convention for networking opportunities and for the chance to present their research and writing. For more information, please contact the chapter sponsors, Dr. John McLaughlin at [email protected] (731-989-6664) or Dr. Greg Massey at [email protected] (731-989-6081).

Art Guild

The Art Guild is a society of student artists seeking to use their talents to serve the university or community through visual arts. Open to all interested students, the membership dues are $15 for new members and $10 for returning members. In addition to the production of murals and other pieces for community display, the Guild travels to artist shows, gallery displays, and museums. For more information, please contact Brian Bundren at [email protected] or at 731-989-6090 or Laquita Thomson at [email protected] or at 731-989-6940.

Biology Club

The Biology Club is a group for students who are looking to better understand the natural world around them, to explore interests in pre-professional programs, and to surround themselves with faculty and students who share a common interest. Whether its academic activities, trips to locations in West TN or surrounding states, or just meetings in faculty homes, the Biology Club helps to assist students as they prepare for a future or working with the natural world around them. For more information, please contact Paul Fader at [email protected] or at 731-989-6033.

Clayton Investment Team

The Clayton Investment Team offers an elite and unique market experience for business majors. As a team member, students make decisions on what stocks to buy or sell and position a real $1,000,000 portfolio to take advantage of market movements. Mr. Jim Clayton allows Freed-Hardeman students to manage his money for him and the school receives the earnings from the funds. There are many universities that can discuss investing and markets with a good textbook. At FHU, you receive practical experience in a real life setting to fine tune your knowledge and skills whether investing becomes your profession or if you just want to make sure you know how to handle your personal assets. Spaces are limited and applications are requested towards the end of each semester.

Dactylology Club

The Dactylology Club exists to build bridges between differing communities, and to help prepare students who are interested in ministering to the deaf. Meeting nearly once a week over the course of the semester, the club welcomes students who are both advanced in sign language as well as those who have no previous experience but are eager to learn. Members of the club have the opportunity to travel to churches, such as the White Station Church of Christ in Memphis, to work with the deaf congregation there. Additionally, the club assists with interpretation during chapel on campus. Once a year, the club also leads chapel, teaching signs for songs so that everyone can participate. This club provides an excellent opportunity for students to interact with an unfamiliar culture while overcoming a language barrier. For more information, contact Dr. Sam Hester at 731-989-6625 or at [email protected].

Math and Computer Science Club

The Math and Computer Science Club exists to inform students about opportunities and careers available in the mathematics and computer science fields. Participating students are also able to participate in academic activities that engage students beyond the classroom and provide a network for students with similar interests, majors, and goals. Club activities include programming contests, travel to conferences, professional guest speakers, and an integration bee. The club welcomes all students who are interested in math or computer science. For more information, please contact Kenan Casey at 731-989-6084 or at [email protected].

Makin' Music Showband

The Makin’ Music Showband accompanies the host and hostess performances during Makin’ Music. The
band is composed of 8-12 students. The Showband typically consists of two guitars, two keyboards, bass, drums, and a horn section. Auditions are held in late October and are open to students from all majors. Rehearsals begin after the band is selected and are held two evenings per week. The Showband repertoire consists of about a dozen songs in a wide variety of styles. Being a member of the Showband requires hard work and dedication but offers a challenging musical experience through which students can grow as musicians while having fun along the way.

National Broadcasting Society

The National Broadcasting Society- Alpha Epsilon Rho Chapter (NBS-AERho) is a national, professional organization for radio and television broadcasters and student Mass Media majors
or those students who are working in radio at FM91 and television operators for FHN TV. NBS is open to any student
who wants to learn and network with other mass media students and professionals on the local, regional, and national levels. Annual membership dues range from $25 to $50 per year. Students participate in the Annual Student Electronic Media Competition each year where FHU has had several national finalist and grand prize winners over the years. Freed-Hardeman’s NBS-AERho chapter meets every other Thursday night in Gardner Center Room 306 during the fall and spring semesters.

Alpha Epsilon Rho is the honor society within NBS. Its membership is restricted to the best of the best, and it serves as both an honorary and professional fraternity. When being considered for Alpha Epsilon Rho, student achievement is marked not only by high achievement in the classroom but also a student’s ability to go above and beyond in practical application.

Phi Alpha Honor Society

With the motto of “Through Knowledge- the challenge to serve,” the Phi Alpha Honor Society exists to provide a closer bond among students interested in social work and to promote humanitarian goals and ideals throughout society. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into its membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work. The Freed-Hardeman University Omicron Psi chapter of Phi Alpha initiated its first members in the spring of 2008, and the program has flourished since then. Membership
into this international honor society is offered to a small yet outstanding group of Social Work juniors and seniors who have obtained an overall GPA above a 3.6 and a GPA within their major of a 3.4 or above. For more information, please contact Nadine McNeal at [email protected] or at 731-989-6644.

Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Alpha Theta is the national history honors society. Membership in FHU’s Alpha-Nu-Theta chapter is based on academic achievement, as students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of history and earn a minimum GPA of 3.1. In addition, students must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 overall. Our chapter publishes an online journal, Crossroads Journal of History, which is edited by students and features essays researched and written by FHU history honors students.
Pre-Law Society

The Pre-Law Society at FHU is a campus organization designed to help undergraduate students who intend to apply to
law school after graduation. Meetings are devoted to LSAT preparation, visits from law school admissions representatives, and pre-law school academic strategy. The group is open; no dues are required. For more information, please contact Dr. Jenny Johnson at 731-989-6378 or at [email protected].


Psi Chi, the International Honor Society for Psychology, focuses on stimulating and maintaining excellence in scholarship and in advancing the science of psychology. Membership is by invitation to all undergraduate and graduate students who meet the minimum academic qualifications. The Freed-Hardeman chapter is student run and participates in a number of activities within the community, including attending psych conferences and working with at the Carl Perkins Center and the Youth Villages. Psi Chi also provides research opportunities for students who are looking to further their students or prepare for graduate school. For further information, please contact Chris Creecy at [email protected] or at 731-989- 6647.

Sigma Tau Delta

Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor society with over 800 chapters at universities around the globe. Membership in Sigma Tau Delta is based on academic achievement. Students have presented original critical or creative writings at regional and international Sigma Tau Delta conferences, and one student has had a critical article published
in the selective Sigma Tau Delta Review. In addition, members organize service projects, study sessions, and chapter parties, and the chapter has taken trips to Sigma Tau Delta conventions in locations such as St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and New Orleans, as well as traveling such to literary sites such as Mark Twain’s home in Hannibal, MO and William Faulkner’s home in Oxford, MS.

Society of Future Accountants

The Society of Future Accountants seeks to:
1. Connect FHU accounting majors together and introduce them to professional contacts outside of the university, which may be done through club meetings, community service, and/or field trips
2. Encourage accounting majors to improve and expand accounting knowledge
3. Reach out to the community around, and benefit others by serving them when possible
4. Maintain connection with prior FHU business/accounting graduates

Social Work Students in Action

Social Work Students in Action was created by students majoring in social work to help promote humanitarian ideals and goals throughout the campus and the local community. Members seek to identify needs and to utilize their degrees in a practical manner through projects such as the Food Pantries, assisting at Senior Citizen Centers, Heritage Towers, Soup Kitchens, etc. Ultimately, this group serves to integrate Christian and academic values. For more information, please contact Lisa Beene at 731-989-6385 or at [email protected].

Society for Advancement of Management

The Society for Advancement of Management is an international organization founded for the purpose of promoting scientific study management principles. One of the primary goals of the organization is to bring together professionals, scholars, and students to develop skills and knowledge around all areas of management. The work of the FHU chapter focuses on promoting management as a field of study, creating opportunities for students to interact with management professionals, and developing management skills and knowledge. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the annual SAM case competition. Contact Jason Brashier for more information.

Theta Alpha Kappa

Theta Alpha Kappa is a national honor society dedicated to encouraging excellence in religious studies and theology by recognizing particularly outstanding students, both graduate and undergraduate, within these disciplines. Membership in FHU’s Alpha Nu Tau chapter is open to undergraduates who have completed at least 12 hours in the discipline and 3 semesters at FHU, who have a minimum GPA overall and within the major of 3.75, and who rank in the top 15% of their class. Membership is open to graduate students who have completed at least half of their residency requirements, who have a minimum GPA of 3.75 in their degree program, and who rank in the top 10% of their class. Members receive an annual subscription to the Journal of Theta Alpha Kappa, may apply for academic awards within the society, and may wear society regalia at graduation. For more information, please contact the chapter sponsor Dr. Rick Brumback at [email protected] (731-989-6658) or Dr. Mark Blackwelder at [email protected] (731-989-6624).

University Chorale
The Freed-Hardeman University Chorale was formed in 2004 and is an ensemble of musicians and students who are both music majors and non-music majors. The University Chorale specializes in sacred unaccompanied selections, but it is not limited to that repertoire. The director, Dr. Scott Wyatt, is dedicated to the study and performance of the finest choral literature of all music eras, as well as to developing the talents of each of the group’s members. Auditions for new members are held at the beginning of the fall semester. The University Chorale rehearses daily and maintains an active concert and touring schedule. For more information, please contact Dr. Scott Wyatt at [email protected] or at 731-989-6952.
University Singers

The Freed-Hardeman University Singers specialize in hymns, hymn arrangements, worship and devotional songs. Members are chosen by audition or permission of the instructor. The Singers rehearse twice a week and do not travel but will perform a number of times during the school year, usually on campus or at nearby venues. For more information, please contact Dr. Gary McKnight at [email protected] or at 731-989-6952.